“Your Curvey Blonde Babe—In Your Arms Tonight!!!”
Well, hello there! Let me introduce myself—my name is Charlie Bond, that’s right! And I just arrived here at the Kit Kat Ranch brothel in Carson City, Nevada. What a wild place! Just full of hot ladies and horny men with them!
From the moment I got here I felt that I fit right in! I love to dress sexy and show my big blonde curves! I guess I am just a natural show-off! Do you like blondes? I sure hope so!
I am a friendly, bubbly, fun-loving gal, and I enjoy spending my time doing everything from toasting with fine champagne, to hiking up mountains! Let’s play together! Cooking! Going to the gym! You name it! And then when you are ready, really ready, to take a voluptuous, beautiful, sensual blonde into your arms, and hold me tight, and let me whisper in your ear all the XXX things I am going to do to you, then…it’s all going to happen!
I want you to talk me high and take me hard! I love it doggy-style and every other kind of sexual-style you know! Let’s do it like the world’s gonna end tomorrow!!!
So that’s the story morning glory! Write me now here so we can set up an appointment—or just come on down to the Kit Kat right now and ask for Charlie Bond—I’ll make your head spin for sure!